Sunday, April 11, 2010

Another 1st!!!!!!

Well i haven't posted in a while i have been soooo busy with baseball, i coach my oldest son. We are a traveling team pretty much so my dog time has taken a back seat. I had to attend the best of the west trial, it is always alot of fun!

I ran on saturday 3 runs, i tell you what doc continues to amaze me i honestly haven't ran him on birds since the last trial in provo in january, i have felt so guilty! He finished the day with...

1st place, and 2 fourth places. There were 32 dog's that ran in each field! So anyway i was so happy for doc he truly is a man's best friend and an outstanding birddog.

We ran Sunday also and had great runs we were in placements in 2 of the 3 field but just got beat out to fourth in one and not sure in the other. Doc was in bad shape today he had 2 sore front pads and i pretty much had to carry him to the kennel tonight. He still gave everything he had today.